Changing our name from KLEIN into KREDO was fundamental to fully embody our philosophy and show the world what our company stands for. We now have three anchor points that we want to live by;
#1. KREDO – “I Believe”
We want to deeply empower and motivate people to believe in themselves and everything they stand for.
- Believe that you can be the best version of yourself.
- Believe that you can accomplish everything you set your mind to.
- Believe in your own goals and dreams.
#2. Equality – Everyone means everyone!
We have believed in equality from the beginning. That’s why we wanted to make our watches affordable and accessible to all. But how can we continue to talk about “everyone” when we exclude an entire gender from buying our watches? With one of our founders being a woman herself, we could no longer stand for this exclusion and that's why we introduce a complete collection of women's watches. Boss ladies, we heard you!
#3 Giving back - Charity
There is nothing wrong with thriving and being successful in life. However, we want to give back and never forget that some people are less fortunate than others. At KREDO, we believe that we should share our profits and make an effort to make our world a better place. As a watch company that works with time every single day, we realize like no other that time goes by faster than we think… That is why we’re not going to wait until we’re retired and settled to do our part. No – the time is now!
We have decided to set ourselves the mission of building 1000 sustainable water wells in the next couple of years. The fact that 430.000 children die every year in Africa simply because they don’t have access to safe, clean drinking water is completely unacceptable. That’s 1.200 children (40 crowded school classes) per day! For every order you make from now on, we will provide clean drinking water to an entire family. We will be very transparent about these projects and provide you with regular updates on our joint accomplishments.
A lot of things have changed now, but most things have not. You can continue to count on us to bring you amazing timepieces, quality and service. We hope that we will keep your unabated support in this new chapter of our company. It’s because of YOU that we exist in the first place and together we are able to start doing some good in our world. We are one family and remember: we will be the brand with the ‘K’ forever!
>> Click here to read about our journey from KLEIN to KREDO